High performance demand, job insecurity, Nonprofessional immediate boss, family problems, workplace atmosphere/culture, personal problems are few but major reasons of Stress. How you manage to handle those situations are the key to protect yourself from stress. Everyone is under stress and pressure of their working day and home life.
Some people take stress as a challenge and excel by overcoming the issues and problems in their life. However, when there is not enough time to get through everything these stress can become cause of depression and anxiety for rest of your life. If you are able to manage stress successfully, it can renovate the workplace positively for you and your team members.
Managing Stress won't make the things that cause the stress to go away, but it will give people some really useful tools to help them feel better in themselves.
This training session will help participants to detect the impact of excess pressure on themselves and others, and enables participants to be more effective at work and at home.